Texas Spring 2024 Collection
Inspired by iconic Texas wildflowers
Indian Paintbrush - Dry grasses, Texas cedar, sweet figs, spring wildflowers. Indian Paintbrushes symbolize new paths, new directions, and confidence.
Indian Blanket - Clean silver musk, bergamot, mint, fresh cut grass, freesia, honeysuckle, gardenia, amaryllis, cedarwood, white sage, lavender. Indian Blankets symbolize warmth, strength, and endurance.
Texas Bluebonnet - Deep blue fields as far as the eye can see of Texas Bluebonnets, a bright blue sky, and a gentle spring breeze. Bluebonnets symbolize inner peace, strength in adversity, and grace under challenge.
Texas Mountain Laurel - the most wonderful and magical aroma of purple flowers and grape soda. Texas Mountain Laurels symbolize perseverance and slow growth.
Texas Verbena - earthy, herby floral amid lush green grass, cucumbers, red mandarin, apricots, chamomile, lemongrass. Texas Verbena symbolize enchantment, divinity, and the power to heal emotions.